Video playback speed and auto-pause

Video playback speed and auto-pause

Many online learners have become used to consuming/learning at higher speeds (1.5x-2.0) and they are able to multi-task and filter presented content in real-time. So I present two questions: 

1) Is it possible to change the video playback speed, similar to youtube and other streaming platforms?
I don't see a "settings" / "gear icon" button on the videos, so was wondering whether this feature (or lack thereof) is a setting you can turn on/off as the course creator or if it is simply not available in TrainerCentral. 

2) As recommended in the course introduction, I have the course open in one window and my instance of Zoho One open in another. When I click away from the window in which the video is playing, the video pauses automatically. Therefore I am unable to follow along/perform tasks in my zoho instance, in real time. Is there a setting I can change to remove this "auto-pause" behavior? Is this a setting that can be changed by the course creator?

I have just started the course (1 minute into Step 1) and these "issues" are going to materially change the amount of time I have budgeted to complete the course. With 4 hours of video content, I can envision the minimum time investment at 8 hours, but probably closer to 12. While I can "suffer through" :-) 1x speeds, the auto-pause will be brutal.