Installation and Setup of ZE Companies House Assistant

Installation and Setup of ZE Companies House Assistant

Install the ZE Companies House Assistant Zoho CRM Extension:
Use this link to install the ZE Companies House Assistant Zoho CRM Extension directly from the Zoho Marketplace:
How to obtain a Companies House API Key

Companies House Logo

  1. Click here to Register for an Account with Companies House
  2. On the above page, click "Register" and complete the registration process.
  3. Once registered and logged in, Click Here to create an "application".
  4. Choose any name and description, and click "Live", then click "Create".
  5. Now, click into your newly created application and click "Create new key".
  6. Set any Key Name and Key Description, then select "REST". Then click "Create Key"
  7. Now Copy the API key and paste it into the box in the API Keys Section of the Extension Settings on Zoho CRM
How to obtain a Screenshotlayer API Key

  1. Click here to Register for a Free Account with Screenshotlayer
  2. Once registered and logged in, you will see your API Key.
  3. Copy the API key and paste it into the box in the API Keys Section of the Extension Settings on Zoho CRM

Installation and Set Up Video Tutorial