ZE CRM Toolbox (Formally known as ZE Logger)

ZE CRM Toolbox (Formally known as ZE Logger)

ZE CRM Toolbox

ZE CRM Toolbox for Zoho CRM Extension helps automatically track successful and unsuccessful automations and scripts.
This app automatically alerts you of any critical errors so that you can address them ASAP or receive priority support from ZE Partner to help address any issues.



When you install the ZE Logger for Zoho CRM Extension from the Zoho CRM Marketplace, a 30-day free trial will automatically be created. From within the Extension Settings page, you will be able to manage your trial and upgrade to a paying subscription for only £29 per month for your entire Zoho CRM Organisation!

After installing the extension, you will need to set the email address(es) you wish to receive Email Alerts (1) and the Urgency (2) of matters you want to get emailed about:

Use the following script whenever you wish to record an error log from within Zoho CRM:

  1. Create_Log_Response = zelogger.Create_ZE_Log(Related_Record_ID, Related_Record_Module, Log_Type, Log_Message, Urgency, Script_Name);
  2. info Create_Log_Response;

In the above code, you need to include the following arguments:

  • Related_Record_ID (int): This is an integer (number). For example, you could replace Related_Record_ID with Deal_ID, if you already have the Deal_ID in your script.
  • Related_Record_Module (string): For example “Deals”.
  • Log_Type (string): You can choose either “Error” or “FYI”.
  • Log_Message (string): You can also use a Map() or List() in here. For example, you might have an Error_Map where you have been storing errors throughout your code.
  • Urgency (string): You can choose “FYI”, “Low”, “Medium”, “High”, or “Urgent”. When creating a log of type “FYI” the urgency will always default to FYI.
  • Script_Name (string): This should be the name of the Script that you are recording the log within. This helps you determine which script has failed or run.

Use the following script whenever you wish to record an error log from outside Zoho CRM (for example from scripts running within Zoho Books). Paste this script below your script and ensure that you record Errors in a map called “Error_Map” and return statements in a map called “Return_Map”. Be sure to replace the values that appear within ** with your own values. To find your zapikey, go to any standalone function and click edit, then select Rest API. Then you will see a URL with your zapikey on the end:

  1. // SET PARAMETER VALUES: Script_Name = "**LOCATION OF SCRIPT - for example, Zoho Books** - **YOUR SCRIPT NAME**"; Related_Record_ID = **THE ID OF THE CRM RECORD IN QUESTION**; Related_Record_Module = "**THE MODULE API NAME OF THE MODULE IN QUESTION, for example "Deals", "Contacts", "Leads", "Accounts"**"; zapikey = "**YOUR ZAPI KEY HERE**"; // CREATE LOG: Create_Log_URL = "
  2. https://www.zohoapis.com/crm/v2/functions/zelogger__create_log_api_endpoint/actions/execute?auth_type=apikey&zapikey=" + zapikey; Create_Log_Params = Map(); Create_Log_Params.put("Related_Record_ID",Related_Record_ID); Create_Log_Params.put("Related_Record_Module",Related_Record_Module); Create_Log_Params.put("Script_Name",Script_Name); // if(Error_Map.isEmpty() == false) { // Return_Map.put("ERRORS",Error_Map); // Urgency = "High"; // (OR "Low", "Medium", "Critical", "FYI") Create_Log_Params.put("Urgency",Urgency); Create_Log_Params.put("Log_Type","Error"); Create_Log_Params.put("Log_Message",Return_Map); // try { // Create_Log_Response = invokeurl [ url :Create_Log_URL type :Post parameters:Create_Log_Params ]; // // info Create_Log_Response; }catch(Log_Catch_Error){ info Log_Catch_Error; } } else { try { // SUCCESS LOG: Create_Log_Params.put("Urgency","FYI"); Create_Log_Params.put("Log_Type","FYI"); Create_Log_Params.put("Log_Message",Return_Map); // Create_Log_Response = invokeurl [ url :Create_Log_URL type :Post parameters:Create_Log_Params ]; // info Create_Log_Response; // } catch (Log_Catch_Error){ info Log_Catch_Error; } }
  3. Create_Log_Params = Map(); Create_Log_Params.put("Related_Record_ID",Related_Record_ID); Create_Log_Params.put("Related_Record_Module",Related_Record_Module); Create_Log_Params.put("Script_Name",Script_Name); // if(Error_Map.isEmpty() == false) { // Return_Map.put("ERRORS",Error_Map); // Urgency = "High"; // (OR "Low", "Medium", "Critical", "FYI") Create_Log_Params.put("Urgency",Urgency); Create_Log_Params.put("Log_Type","Error"); Create_Log_Params.put("Log_Message",Return_Map); // try { // Create_Log_Response = invokeurl [ url :Create_Log_URL type :Post parameters:Create_Log_Params ]; // // info Create_Log_Response; }catch(Log_Catch_Error){ info Log_Catch_Error; } } else { try { // SUCCESS LOG: Create_Log_Params.put("Urgency","FYI"); Create_Log_Params.put("Log_Type","FYI"); Create_Log_Params.put("Log_Message",Return_Map); // Create_Log_Response = invokeurl [ url :Create_Log_URL type :Post parameters:Create_Log_Params ]; // info Create_Log_Response; // } catch (Log_Catch_Error){ info Log_Catch_Error; } }

We recommend creating a custom filter on the “All ZE Logs” view. This custom filter should be set to “Log Type” of “Error” and “Status” is either “Reported” or “Under Investigation”. Then save the filter and call it “Errors – Needs Action”.

For all Errors in this filtered view, you should open the record and then read the log message. Determine from the log message what failed and then rerun the script for that record. Once you have successfully resolved the issue and rerun the script, change the Status from “Reported” to “Resolved and Rerun”. This way, you will be able to keep track of any errors that have been encountered and you will have an audit trail keeping track of what was done about them. If you are working as a team, you can also leave notes and attachments on each Log Record, similar to any other record on Zoho CRM.

Visit the ZE Partner Youtube Channel (Zoho Expert) for tutorial videos


Full Terms and Conditions are shown here: https://zepartner.net/terms/

Priority Support Subscriptions:

You understand and agree that:

  • Any offer of a specific number of working days (e.g. 2 Working Days Priority Support) means that ZE Partner will make their best efforts to investigate your support matter within the said number of Working Days of the support matter being received. There may be times when ZE Partner is unable to investigate your support issue within the said number of days.
  • Any time spent by ZE Partner investigating and/or addressing any support matters is billed in the usual way and is charged in addition to the “Priority Support” subscription fees. The “Priority Support” subscription fees only entitle the client to priority support ahead of any other clients’ matters. Where multiple clients with “Priority Support” require assistance from ZE Partner, the subscription level and time of receipt will be used to determine whose matter is investigated first.
  • ZE Partner reserves the right to cancel or withdraw the offer of “Priority Support” at any time. In such a case, any ongoing subscription will be cancelled.
  • Where ZE Partner is on vacation, any days within the said vacation will not be considered “working days”.
Zoho CRM Extensions:

You understand and agree that:

  • You fully and completely release In The Loop Systems Limited from any and all liability related to the use of any Zoho CRM Extensions created or maintained by ZE Partner.
  • ZE Partner is not responsible for any issues caused to your systems or data as a result of using any services or Zoho CRM Extensions provided by ZE Partner
  • Where a valid subscription is required to use an Extension provided by ZE Partner, should you fail to maintain a valid subscription, your access to the Extension and any Data created by or stored within the Extension may be irrevocably lost.
  • You will not tamper with (or allow to be tampered with) any Extension (or parts thereof) provided by ZE Partner.